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Sam Crosson Seeks to Make an Impact on Cal Poly Volleyball

Updated: July 26, 2012

First year head-coach Sam Crosson was introduced as Cal Poly’s women’s volleyball coach in January. Photo courtesy of

Walking through Mott Gym, it’s clear who the volleyball coach is from all the way across the hall. An imposing figure at something over 6’3”, Crosson is tall. And if his stride doesn’t give away his history as a standout player at UOP, the calf-high white socks are a dead giveaway that this guy is all volleyball.

Crosson’s coaching career includes stints as an assistant at St. Mary’s and UC-Berkeley. I sat down with coach Crosson to discuss the upcoming season, what the off-season has been like for the first-year coach, and what the move from the East Bay to the Central Coast has been like.