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El-Loco’s Official Tourney: Day Two

Updated: March 25, 2011

Yesterday was EPIC! Seriously bra, like surfing a tubular glassy ten foot curl. I want to thank the fans for really pushing for their commercials. The why is very important. Remember when you thread at: http://www.fansmanship.com/el-locos-pro-commercialmusic-video-tournament/ to tell me who should win, and then explain, explain, explain why they should win.

If you are wondering who won yesterday, go to http://www.fansmanship.com/el-locos-tourney-day-1-round-1-results/. There, you will taste the magic of a tournament that encases childhood memories, humor, and flatout artistic genius. Today, the next eight face off and are eager to advance to the 2nd round! The winner of #1 vs. #16 (Grandma Ma) will play #9 Bob Uecker’s Millerlite Commercial. Winner of #3 vs. #14 will play #6 MJ vs. Himself Gatorade Commercial. Winner of #5 vs. #12 will play #4 Magic vs. Bird Converse Commercial. And the winner of #7 vs. #10 will play the #2 seed “If I could be like Mike” Gatorade commercial.

I truly need your help! Some fans have chimed in but I need much more to make this job easier for me. Currently, I am befuddled by the 7 v 10 matchup: Magic Slice Commercial vs. Mean Joe Green’s Coke Commercial. Let me know and continue your chances for a free fansmanship.com t-shirt. Today I will announce the winners all the way to the final four. Our final four will be played on Monday, March 27th, 2011 @ 5PM Pacific time.  Cast your votes, and see you at 5 today to unveil our next couple of round winners.