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Great ideas for baseball series – 1/2 – Organ Music Only

Updated: August 18, 2015

Over the past 5 days, I’ve been to two major league baseball games, which is unusual for me. The Dodgers and Angels were both graced by my presence and, sitting atop Angel Stadium, basking in the glow of an Albert Pujols behemoth home run, I heard something I am used to hearing in Los Angeles — organ music. Of course Nancy Bea Hefley wasn’t there, but the music really got me re-engaged with the game.

Quintessentially, it was baseball music.

Whereas banging beats and flashing lights might elicit a fast and quickly-dying response from a crowd, organ music can keep fans engaged throughout a game. In her heyday, Nancy Bea Hefley basically satisfied all of Dodger Stadium’s auditory needs that weren’t Vin Scully’s voice.

So here’s my great baseball idea — all organ music. For an entire game. Give the DJ a night off. Make Nancy play ’til her fingers are sore and our ears are delightfully full.

Seriously, the Dodgers should do it. Consider it an experiment. See how the crowd reacts. I can almost guarantee you they’ll be more into the game, less preoccupied with other attentions, and the atmosphere at the game will benefit.

In fact, I would make a point to drive down to a game like that, for the nuance of it if nothing else. I don’t think the Dodgers would have anything to lose by trying it out. Make it a Nancy Bea Hefley bobblehead night and have her play some of the classics — Master of the House while playing Orel Hershiser highlights, etc… .

I know a whole game seems like a long time to do ALL organ music, but I’m telling you, it would be a blast.

Who’s with me!?

Something like this…