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Really, Mike Brown? Really, Entire Lakers Team? Seriously?

Updated: May 24, 2012

Are these guys for real?

In a Mark Medina article in the LA Times from yesterday, Mike Brown’s first season as the Lakers coach was closely examined. Here are some amazing quotes from the article:

“Players loved his enthusiasm and work ethic but tired of his lengthy practices and film sessions.”

This reeks of lack of professionalism. Basically what it says is that the players love that someone else was doing their dirty work for them and that they didn’t have time to truly understand what they were doing on the court. This might be the only quote you need to describe this year’s Lakers. But here’s another.

And now this is Brown talking:

“I know there were a lot of things I rushed on that I kind of did on the fly based on the lack of time,” Brown said. “To really give myself a true evaluation would be hard. Based on the circumstances as a staff, I had a great staff and they helped out a lot and we did fairly well. Could we have done better? Yes, we could’ve done a lot better.”

OK. You could have done better. Great. Lakers fans don’t like to hear reason or anything aside from a robotic “We will do everything we can to win a title next year,” but isn’t it time for a true re-examination of the past two seasons? Might we be in for a post-Kobe era akin to a post-Magic era?

The answer, I think, is no. Kobe won’t just go away quickly and the Lakers will have some time to at least maintain some semblance of a roster. If we’re not winning a championship though, why not blow things up?

After all, when guys are acting in an unprofessional manner, don’t want to watch film or study the game, and call out the coach do you really have much of a chance of actually winning a title?