Comments on: Sir’ Dirk A lot For the fans by the fans Wed, 15 Mar 2017 09:08:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Luke Johnson Fri, 20 May 2011 13:49:40 +0000 Yea, I mean, skills alone set Dirk apart in the talk of best PF ever. If we base “best of” on title rings than TD remains on top of this list. But I like what Van Gundy said when he dropped 48 in game one, “Dirk is GREAT because he carries and carries this team and his refined skills alone would of placed him the first and foremost franchise player on any other team in this league the last eleven years.” That is a huge statement. That puts Dirk on top of his generation, meaning, He, TD, D-How,Kobe, LeBron, Wade, KG, Ray Ray, and Nash round out that GREAT generational list (others could be argued: Pierce, Melo, and Amare). Also, I don’t have clear lines drawn for “generations,” but it seems players like Durant, Rose, B-Griff, Rondo, Westbrook, and K-Love are of the “new”, where as J-Kidd and Shaq (both still active) would be included in the “old”, with the likes of the mailman, Sir’ Charles, MJ, David Robinson, Hakeem, Ewing, Clyde, etc.

By: owenmain Fri, 20 May 2011 02:43:44 +0000 Best PF ever? That’s a BOLD statement. Karl Malone, Chuck Barkley, T Duncan, KG, McHale, and what about RAMBIS?! (Yeah I said it). KG started it but players like him and Dirk create their own position. That’s what makes them transcendent. A great question is: What players basically created their own position? – Cousy, Russell, Wilt, Magic, Bird, Rodman, Manute, KG, and certainly Dirk. LeBron also has kind of created his own position. It definitely isn’t the end-all, be-all, and while there are lots of other factors involved, identifying who made up their own position does have some merit in the argument of “best ever”… Nice job LJ
