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Spring Training in an RV? It’s happening, people!

Updated: January 22, 2015
Maybe we could drive something like this to Arizona. By Bull-Doser (Own work), via Wikimedia Commons

Maybe we could drive something like this to Arizona. By Bull-Doser (Own work), via Wikimedia Commons

All else being equal, I’m pretty sure we’re going to jam into an RV in about six weeks and get out to Phoenix.

Camelback Ranch is the destination.

After two consecutive years when spring training was a must-do kind of thing, my wife had our first kid in 2013. Spring training in 2014 didn’t happen.

2015 is shaping up to be a different story, though. I have plenty of spring training stories. Perhaps I’ll count them down in the weeks to come, but I want to hear other people’s stories.

How many of you have been to spring training? What tips do you have? I want to hear others’ stories too. Please post below.

In the mean time, I’ll be gearing up and getting ready to go. Phoenix or bust.