2012 MLB Trade Deadline – Fansmanship http://www.fansmanship.com For the fans by the fans Fri, 12 Mar 2021 03:58:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.7.29 For the fans by the fans 2012 MLB Trade Deadline – Fansmanship fansmanship.com For the fans by the fans 2012 MLB Trade Deadline – Fansmanship http://www.fansmanship.com/wp-content/uploads/powerpress/Favicon1400x1400-1.jpg http://www.fansmanship.com San Luis Obispo, CA Weekly-ish The Band is Back Together! (Podcast) http://www.fansmanship.com/the-band-is-back-together-podcast/ http://www.fansmanship.com/the-band-is-back-together-podcast/#respond Thu, 09 Aug 2012 04:30:08 +0000 http://www.fansmanship.com/?p=6066 In the latest addition of the podcast, we use technology to our advantage, make a call out to Andy, and get all 3 of us on the podcast at once for the first time in at least a few months.

Andy has a good breakdown of the Major League Baseball trade deadline, Luke and Owen talk Olympics, and what would the NFL preseason be without a little Tebow talk?

We’re trying to keep the ‘casts to 45 minutes or less. Enjoy!

http://www.fansmanship.com/the-band-is-back-together-podcast/feed/ 0 In the latest addition of the podcast, we use technology to our advantage, make a call out to Andy, and get all 3 of us on the podcast at once for the first time in at least a few months. Andy has a good breakdown of the Major League Baseball trade dea... In the latest addition of the podcast, we use technology to our advantage, make a call out to Andy, and get all 3 of us on the podcast at once for the first time in at least a few months. Andy has a good breakdown of the Major League Baseball trade deadline, Luke and Owen […] 2012 MLB Trade Deadline – Fansmanship 46:01