Gay Slur – Fansmanship For the fans by the fans Fri, 12 Mar 2021 03:58:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 For the fans by the fans Gay Slur – Fansmanship For the fans by the fans Gay Slur – Fansmanship San Luis Obispo, CA Weekly-ish Riley Cooper and the double standard of discrimination Mon, 05 Aug 2013 13:16:58 +0000 The year is 2013. But some things still haven’t changed and I had hoped it would have by now. I am talking about gay rights, racism and equality for all, regardless of sexual orientation, skin color, or race. While I will admit that there has been obvious progress made in these areas, it isn’t enough. […]]]>

The year is 2013.

But some things still haven’t changed and I had hoped it would have by now. I am talking about gay rights, racism and equality for all, regardless of sexual orientation, skin color, or race. While I will admit that there has been obvious progress made in these areas, it isn’t enough.

Discrimination because of race or sexual orientation is stupid. My motto is judge a person by their personality and that’s all. Many people will ask where I am going with this since this is supposed to be a sports article but this is much more than just sports.

Recently Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver Riley Cooper was caught on tape at a Kenny Chesney concert using a racist phrase and it has brought up much anger and sadness within the sports world and just society as a whole. Like many others, I was disgusted at what Cooper said and the aftermath, but for different reasons then people might think. In no way shape or form do I support Cooper’s comments because they were completely inappropriate and uncalled-for — I want to make that clear before I proceed.

Riley Cooper said some stupid things. He's not the only one. By By Matthew Straubmuller (Flickr: Eagles vs Redskins), via Wikimedia Commons

Riley Cooper said some stupid things. He’s not the only one. By By Matthew Straubmuller (Flickr: Eagles vs Redskins), via Wikimedia Commons

In the aftermath of the comments, the Eagles have excused Cooper from team activities so that he could go to counseling for his actions and get help. While I have no problem with his counseling, my question and whole point is this: Why is he going to counseling for a racial slur but in the past when players use a gay slur all they do is get fined?

To me, and I think many others, using a gay slur is just as bad as a racist one so why is it that we as a society is making such a huge deal out of this situation but the same can’t be said when a gay slur is used? I wonder if Cooper had used a gay slur instead of a racial one, would it have been seen and dealt with differently? There have been many occurrences of gay slurs being used in recent years by other athletes but all that I’ve seen happen is a quick fine and people move on. Some notable slurs and insensitive comments include but are not limited to:

Roy Hibbert of the Indiana Pacers earlier in 2013

Amar’e Stoudemire of the New York Knicks in 2012

Roddy White of the Atlanta Falcons in 2012

Kobe Bryant of the Los Angeles Lakers in 2011

James Harrison of the Pittsburgh Steelers in 2011

Joakim Noah of the Chicago Bulls in 2011

Above are just six different occurrences of athletes using a gay slur but I don’t remember anybody making as a big deal about it as they are currently with Cooper’s situation. Isn’t using a gay slur is just as inappropriate and disgusting as using a racial one? Recently NBA center Jason Collins came out as a professional athlete and was greeted to much love and support which was very nice to see but then that goes back to my point.

Why isn’t the use of gay slurs made into more of a big deal then they are?

In my opinion, the use of both racial and gay slurs not just in sports but in society as a whole should be dealt with in a much more strict manner so that in the future, people won’t be as ignorant and use them.

What do you think?

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