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  • Dodgers-Giants position-by-position comparison: First Base

    The baseball season’s coming up and Mike Krukow thinks Yasiel Puig is dumb for not pegging the Giants as their biggest rival. In San Luis Obispo, I’d say they are, though the...

  • OK Padres. Fine. I’ll talk about you.

    The Padres. Off the top of my head, I think of them as kind of a laughing stock, but they haven’t been as bad as that, necessarily. Over the past 10 years,...

  • Dodger fans can finally exhale

    With a cannonball into the pool, Nick Punto was the personification of the feeling Dodger fans have had throughout the year. When the team came out slow, reasonable fans preached patience....

  • This train is picking up some momentum

    Ever since Yasiel Puig and Hanley Ramirez picked up their shovel and started pouring coal into the furnace of the Dodger train, the locamotive has been picking up momentum. It seems...