Sociology – Fansmanship For the fans by the fans Fri, 12 Mar 2021 03:58:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 For the fans by the fans Sociology – Fansmanship For the fans by the fans Sociology – Fansmanship San Luis Obispo, CA Weekly-ish No Love For Love? Fri, 18 Feb 2011 08:48:18 +0000 Kevin Love registered his 42nd consecutive double double on Wednesday night with 18 points and 18 rebounds. Love leads the entire NBA in rebounding (15.5 per game) by more than a full rebound per game over the next contender (Dwight Howard, 13.8 per game).

A shoe in for being chosen by the fans, his peers and coaches as an all-star, right?  Not quite.

Yao Ming was chosen as the starting Western Conference center by the fans, even though he hasn’t leaped for one jump-ball this season.  However, since Yao is injured, Love recieved the final all-star nod in his place.  If Yao weren’t injured, the league leader in rebounding and hustle would have been left off the all-star roster all-together.

This protocol of events is what disgusts me about the NBA all-star voting and selection process.  It has nothing to do with current palpable and measurable worth.  It only has to do with fan clubs, popularity and “bling.”

Why is this amazing talent not getting any respect league-wide? Is there even a racial undertone here? Because he is caucasian, isn’t “flashy” and doesn’t have his own ™ dance or strut, is he paying the price in the eyes of “the fans?”  If Love were an African-American, would we even be having this discussion?

I believe the answer is no.  He’d be one of the first selected.  I am not at all insensitive to the history of the plight of the African American in the United States, but it is evident that a certain amount of racism exists here.

The NBA is dominated by African Americans the same as Caucasians dominating American society is percieved.  Thus, the Caucasian is the same, if not worse off in the NBA than the African American is in today’s American society.

Anti-stereotype crusaders of racial equality need to realize in some instances it can undeniably be a two-way street.  Jackie Robinson it is not, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a particular amount of discrimination found when reading between the lines.

Bottom line:  “Black” or “White,” show Kevin some love already.

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