Titans – Fansmanship http://www.fansmanship.com For the fans by the fans Fri, 12 Mar 2021 03:58:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.7.29 For the fans by the fans Titans – Fansmanship fansmanship.com For the fans by the fans Titans – Fansmanship http://www.fansmanship.com/wp-content/uploads/powerpress/Favicon1400x1400-1.jpg http://www.fansmanship.com San Luis Obispo, CA Weekly-ish Fisher Vs. Young- Why It’s a Great Move http://www.fansmanship.com/fisher-vs-young-why-its-a-great-move/ http://www.fansmanship.com/fisher-vs-young-why-its-a-great-move/#respond Fri, 07 Jan 2011 04:42:27 +0000 http://sportsasweseeit.wordpress.com/?p=22 The Tennessee Titans made a great move on Wednesday – they decided to take out the trash. By announcing that their 2006 first round draft pick would not be with the team next year, they made the only logical and rational decision they could have and stuck with their head coach, Jeff Fisher. For now.

Fisher reportedly has one year left on his contract and, impending strike or not, is the right choice at this time. In the NFL, teams with front-office stability are the ones that are successful and contending every year. Whether the 49ers in the eighties and nineties, the Cowboys in the 90’s, the Bucs in the late 90’s and early part of the last decade, or the Patriots, Steelers, and Eagles currently, there is one thing continually successful teams have in common. Great consistent leadership.

Over the past few seasons the Titans have endured bad draft picks (not all Jeff Fishers fault), several coordinator changes starting with Norm Chow, and a number of off-field incidents including Pac-Man Jones, Steve McNair’s untimely death, and most recently Vince Young’s mental instability that caused Fisher to call the police.

While none of these things can be directly tied to an inability to lead, they all shed a negative light on the organization. The series of incidents and the Titans’ poor record, if it continues, will force owner Bud Adams must make a tough decision about his coach during the next year. For Jeff Fisher’s sake, let’s hope that taking out the garbage will also get rid of the foul odor of a 6-10 record.

–Owen Main

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