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To Shoot or not to Shoot

Updated: August 8, 2014
Taking photos on the sidelines is fun, but does it cut too much into my writing? Photo by Ian Billings

Taking photos on the sidelines is fun, but does it cut too much into my writing? Photo by Ian Billings

Over two years ago, this site was off and running. The writing was really good, but we had an issue — too much text. The site wasn’t visually appealing enough. Simply put, we didn’t have enough photos.

So two years ago, I started to take photos. I bought an SLR camera, a nice-enough lens, and started to make photos at games myself.

At first, photos were something I did just enough of. One or two good shots, and my night was made. All I needed was enough to make the page pop a little and maybe keep someone’s eyes on my writing a little longer. Last year, though, things got a little more serious. In 2013, I bought a professional-level zoom lens. In 2014, it was a more advanced camera body with bells, whistles, and the ability to snap shots over twice as quickly as my original entry-level camera.

I love live-tweeting during games, priding myself as being a sort of jack of all trades. I love it when I don’t have to wait until I get home to get a single word on the page. I love being able to have most things written before I return home. I really enjoy being able to spend time with my one year-old, so I’ve found myself more and more editing photos deep into the night. I can’t help it. Over the past year, I’ve just had a bad case of photo fever.

When you get that just-right shot, it all seems worth it. By Owen Main

When you get that just-right shot, it all seems worth it. By Owen Main

So as another school year approaches, I guess I ask myself whether it’s still the way to go. Sitting in a press box or on press row is cool, but taking photos on the court or field during a game brings with it a kind of adrenaline rush. I try to capture those moments that move me the most on the field of play. Sometimes, I wonder if I spend too much time taking photos. I know it affects my writing. I know my posts aren’t as well thought-out or written.

Maybe the photos I get make up for it. Maybe they don’t. Maybe I just need more help (do YOU want to write or take pictures for Fansmanship? Seriously, if you do, message me).

No matter the case, the photo thing is definitely here to stay. The feedback I get is really good and it seems that you, the readers, enjoy the photos as much as the writing. Like always, I’ll try to stay balanced, but I’m looking forward to taking as many photos as ever this season.

I can’t wait.

What do you think? What would you like to see more of? Comment below. 

Here’s a link to a gallery of some photos I took recently at an MLS match. 

Here are some of my favorites from the 2013-14 school year: