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When Bad Things Happen to Good Padres Fans

Updated: May 22, 2011

Two things happened that were interesting during Wednesday night’s Padres home game against the Brewers.

First, I saw Rickie Weeks in person. In case you didn’t know, I drafted Weeks in the fifth round of last season’s fantasy draft. With a 4th-round run on second basemen, I picked-up the undervalued Brewer and, despite an injury during the previous year, Weeks was one of my most solid players. Because of the sideways looks and jeering laughter I got after making the pick, my team was named the “Rickie Weeks All Stars” last year. The All-Stars weren’t very good, but Weeks was awesome – and because he was awesome, he was picked by someone else early in this year’s draft.


This year, my team is called Orange Jhoulys (after Rockies pitcher Jhoulys Chacin, who I also got funny looks after drafting with my final pick). But my love of Rickie Weeks remains steadfast. I’ve tried trading for him thrice this year to no avail. On Wednesday, I gave him his just due – shouting “RICKIE-WEEKS” in a falsetto tone that Knox Harrington (the video artist) would have appreciated. My friend, Christopher, was pretty embarrassed I think.

The second thing that was really interesting happened I think in the 6th inning or so (was hard to know since the game wasn’t exactly a bundle of excitement). Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something come out of the Brewers’ dugout and fly into the air. It turned out to be a cup full of water, or Gatorade, or something. As it ascended above the dugout, lots of liquid splashed over the dugout and onto the fans.

The first row of fans almost came over the top of the dugout. They were NOT happy. On of them took the empty cup and tossed it back into the dugout, causing a similar reaction from most of the Brewers’ bench.

During the entire at-bat that was going on, most of the Brewers in the dugout turned around and faced the front row of Padres fans.

Arms waved. Fingers pointed. Bad words were certainly exchanged. Padres security (about one for every 10 fans… where are you Pads fans?) was quick to the scene. One security person was stationed on each side of the dugout and one person walked atop the dugout to confront the fan who had thrown the cup back into the Brewers’ dugout.

In most situations like this, fans usually get the brunt of the blame. For whatever reason, the Padres security personnel made an informed and well thought-out decision not to remove the fans from the game. Eventually the Brewers, who clearly “started it,” went back to paying attention to the game, and a situation that could have been a lot worse was nullified.

The easy thing to do would have been to kick the fans out. Instead, the security folks gathered relevant information and made an informed decision.

Good job Padres security personnel.

Now all the Padres need are ownership and management who are willing to spend the same energy on the players on the field. When Ryan Ludwick is your best position player, you’re in trouble. Without the draw of Adrian Gonzalez this year to get people to the park, the Friars are not a very exciting team…

Random thought during the game:

Corey Hart is going to have 20 HRs by the end of the year. He hit at least one that would have been out of any park but Petco. He squared up a few others. The Brewers’ offense is fun to watch.

Random thought of the day:

I just saw an interview with him and, is Lebron losing some hair? I hope the pressure of the multiple championship guarantee isn’t getting to him. He needs to go with the all-shaved look I think.