Ghizal Hasan – Fansmanship For the fans by the fans Fri, 12 Mar 2021 03:58:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 For the fans by the fans Ghizal Hasan – Fansmanship For the fans by the fans Ghizal Hasan – Fansmanship San Luis Obispo, CA Weekly-ish Podcast Episode 206 – Going on Break Edition Sat, 14 Mar 2020 03:37:57 +0000 Owen Main and Chris Sylvester kick off the “Going on Break” edition of the Fansmanship podcast.  The mandated postponement and cancelation of so many sporting events is the best thing for everyone, but the ramifications for people whose daily life revolves around sports will be long-lasting. The “Going on Break” editions of the podcast, will explore how […]]]>

Owen Main and Chris Sylvester kick off the “Going on Break” edition of the Fansmanship podcast. 

The mandated postponement and cancelation of so many sporting events is the best thing for everyone, but the ramifications for people whose daily life revolves around sports will be long-lasting. The “Going on Break” editions of the podcast, will explore how life is changing throughout this unprecedented time from a multitude of people.

Today’s guest was Ghizal Hasan. Ghizal is the play-by-play voice of CSUN men’s basketball and UC Riverside baseball. Topics are wide-ranging as we get our footing with this new format. 

]]> 0 Owen Main and Chris Sylvester kick off the “Going on Break” edition of the Fansmanship podcast.  The mandated postponement and cancelation of so many sporting events is the best thing for everyone, but the ramifications for people whose daily life revo... Owen Main and Chris Sylvester kick off the “Going on Break” edition of the Fansmanship podcast.  The mandated postponement and cancelation of so many sporting events is the best thing for everyone, but the ramifications for people whose daily life revolves around sports will be long-lasting. The “Going on Break” editions of the podcast, will explore how […] Ghizal Hasan – Fansmanship 1:15:14
Podcast Episode 152 – Ghizal Hasan Mon, 22 Feb 2016 15:31:23 +0000 Owen sat down to chat with CSUN men’s basketball and UCR baseball play-by-play announcer Ghizal Hasan. Ghizal had some unique perspectives on the Big West, college sports, and doing play-by-play. He’s a fun follow on Twitter and I hope you enjoy the conversation as much as I did!]]>

Owen sat down to chat with CSUN men’s basketball and UCR baseball play-by-play announcer Ghizal Hasan. Ghizal had some unique perspectives on the Big West, college sports, and doing play-by-play. He’s a fun follow on Twitter and I hope you enjoy the conversation as much as I did!

]]> 0 Owen sat down to chat with CSUN men’s basketball and UCR baseball play-by-play announcer Ghizal Hasan. Ghizal had some unique perspectives on the Big West, college sports, and doing play-by-play. He’s a fun follow on Twitter and I hope you enjoy the co... Owen sat down to chat with CSUN men’s basketball and UCR baseball play-by-play announcer Ghizal Hasan. Ghizal had some unique perspectives on the Big West, college sports, and doing play-by-play. He’s a fun follow on Twitter and I hope you enjoy the conversation as much as I did! Ghizal Hasan – Fansmanship 11:09