Sublime – Fansmanship For the fans by the fans Fri, 12 Mar 2021 03:58:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 For the fans by the fans Sublime – Fansmanship For the fans by the fans Sublime – Fansmanship San Luis Obispo, CA Weekly-ish A Sublime Bike Ride Wed, 24 Aug 2011 20:37:09 +0000 Listening to music while you ride a bicycle is sometimes an out-of-body experience. The music, scenery, road, bicycle, and rider all come together at once. It’s a beautiful experience, especially when you live in a beautiful place.

Yesterday, during my first ride in 3 weeks, I chose some different background music. It was a great choice and stimulated a chain of thought that maybe only I thought was interesting. Here goes anyway…


Here we go. Back in the saddle.

What to listen to?…. How about Sublime.

On the bike and rolling. I always skip the first few songs of this album, I wonder why. Oooo that wind is going to be rough today. At least it won’t be too hot…

Early in the mornin’

Rising to the street….

That wind feels good in my face. Not on my legs though. Onto Los Osos Valley Rd. now and WOW that wind is worse than I thought.

It all comes back to you

You’re bound to get what you deserve

Try and test that

You’re bound to get served

Damn right. I haven’t gone on any rides lately and now I’m going to pay for it. Head down. Get comfortable, O. Feel the Sublime groove. Pedaling as hard as I can muster and still only maintaining 14 miles per hour. Like it says in the Hitchhikers’ Guide to the Galaxy: “Don’t Panic.”

Just think about how great that wind will feel when that hurricane is at your back.

It’s up to you what you really wanna do

Spend some time in America

Sweet trumpet solo. I really live in a beautiful place. Look around, don’t focus on the pain. Look at those flowers over there. I’m going the “Wrong Way” now, but it’ll be the right way on the way back.

Time to get pumped and get to the “downhill” of LOVR. Get there O.

In my mind

In my brain

I go back

Go completely insane

I have to be insane to want to do the a century ride next month. I’m hurting after 6 miles, how am I going to do 100? Press on. Focus on the music.

I’m going downhill now, so why am I not going faster? This is depressing. Get to the top of Turri and it will be OK…. yeah, right.

Let it burn,

Wanna let it burn

Wanna let it burn

wanna wanna let it burn

My legs are burning. Did I put sunscreen on? I’m slowing down and going downhill. Hang in there, the ride will be better. Get to Turri and you get to turn with the wind to your side. You got this.

What I really wanna know

My baby

What I really wanna say

I can’t define

Well it’s love…..

What a great song. I’m totally in a groove now. Singing along even. Love being on the road. I don’t know who Sancho is, but his punkass better freaking watch out!

Believe me when I say

That I got something

For his punkass

I battle the elements, not any one person out here. That being said, this wind is definitely a punkass. Turing on Turri now. The worst is behind me. I think.

Can’t fight against the youth

But I can fight against the hill. This feels good with a mellow pseudo-ska beat in the background. That cow is looking at me like I’m an alien. But I don’t look anything like Sam Cassell or Nick Van Exel. So I don’t know what his problem is. Push it O. Almost up the hill.

What has been sold

Not strictly made of stone

Just remember that it’s flesh and bone

Whoa, that car was a little close. That would suck to get hit. Especially on Turri, where cell reception might not be great.

Grooving my way to the top. Don’t stop there, just turn straight around like a gangsta. Like it didn’t even phase you. Like when you get hit by a pitch. Don’t rub it.

You have a little time for your head to stop being dizzy. Even have time for a quick drink of water. Good deal. Forty minutes to get to the top of the hill. With this wind, it should take about 25 to get home.

Up to 35 miles per hour and down the hill before I fully realized I was at the top.

Fast forward almost to the end. There’s that baseline. No more wind in my face. Instead, it’s at my back. Caressing me and helping me go 25 MPH on an incline.

You hate me

Cuz I got what you need

That wind pushing for me instead of against me is definitely what I need. Spanish lyrics are about where my frame of mind is at this moment.

Levanta levanta

Tienes que gritar

Levanta levanta

Tienes que bailar

My feet feel like they’re dancing on the pedals. In my highest gear. I don’t feel any wind. But I’m going 25.

Yep, moments like this are why I ride. The 40 minutes of pain are totally worth the 25 minutes of bliss.

That’s that lovin’ sound.

Singing along. Almost keeping up with cars near the stoplight on LOVR and Foothill.

Let the lovin,

Let the lovin’

Come back to me.

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